Look for the VOHC stamp of approval on dental home care products.
When choosing a dental treat for my pet, what should I look for?
Remember that dental treats are just a part of your pet’s dental health. As humans we brush and floss multiple times a day and still need to go into the dentist for regular exams and cleanings. The same is true of your cat or dog. Dental treats are an enjoyable way for your pet to get some chewing exercise and teeth scrubbing.
First, on any dental product you buy look for the VOHC seal of approval. VOHC or the Veterinary Oral Health Council is a non-regulatory group that approves dental treats and oral health products for dogs and cats. The VOHC Seal of Acceptance means that the product has met or exceeded the preset standards of the Veterinary Oral Health Council for reducing plaque and or tartar in dogs and cats in controlled, randomized and blinded trials. You can learn more at http://www.vohc.org
Secondly, look for the correct size for your pet and use the item as directed on the package label.