Wearing costumes can also stress our furry friends
… Fright night for pets?
While Halloween can be a fun spooky night for people, our pets may not share our enthusiasm. Here’s a few things to be aware of:
Yard ornaments like the inflatable ghosts, motion activated skeletons, and people in costumes can scare pets and increase their anxiety levels.
Halloween candy can be hazardous to pets as well, especially chocolate and anything containing the sugar substitute xylitol.
Multiple visits by trick or treaters can drive your pet crazy, especially if the doorbell rings every time and your pet is protective of your property. These dogs may benefit from being confined to a quiet room or crate until the commotion is over.
Additionally Halloween decorations, power cords, make-up, and costumes can pose a threat to pets if they are chewed on or eaten.
Lastly black cats are often targeted by people with less than honorable intentions so keep them inside too.
Here are more tips from The Humane Society of the United States: