Preventative Care
- Health Exams
- Vaccinations
- Deworming
- Flea/tick prevention
- Annual heartworm testing and prevention
- Blood screening for diabetes, kidney, liver, heart & thyroid disease, etc
- Dentistry (cleaning, polishing, & extraction of teeth)
- Avid Microchipping
Diagnostic Testing (in house)

Dental procedure underway, with monitoring equipment in place for all the vital signs to provide the best care possible.
- Digital Thermal Imaging
- Feline leukemia(FeLV)
- Feline immunodeficiency virus testing (FIV)
- Thyroid function
- Complete blood count
- Organ function chemistry panels
- Dermatological(skin) testing
- Complete urinalysis
- Fecal evaluation
- Radiography (x-ray)
Diagnostic testing (outside labs)
We work with several large laboratories and can collect
various samples (blood, nasal secretions, urine, feces, tissue etc. for
specific disease testing.
- Spays
- Neuters
- Mass removals
- Puppy dewclaw removal & tail docking (3-5 days old)
- Surgical Dental extractions
- Surgery is also offered for correction of various eye problems, lacerations, etc.
Behavioral Consultation
- Puppy training
- Problem behaviors in dogs & cats
Nutritional Consultation
- Healthy pets
- Management of specific diseases such as diabetes or pancreatitis
Laser Therapy
- Pain management
- Wound healing
Acupuncture & chiropractic for small and large animals