Dogs become infected with heartworms after being bitten by an infected mosquito. The treatment for heartworm disease is expensive and has certain inherent risks. However, there are many preventative medications on the market that are inexpensive and help control other common parasites as well. For only a few dollars per month you can have peace of mind that your pet is protected even when you travel to other states. Before your dog can be put on heartworm prevention, a negative heartworm test is required. This test can be done in the veterinary clinic in about 10 minutes and requires only a few drops of blood. Puppies less than five months of age can be put on heartworm preventative medication without first doing a heartworm test. It is recommended that dogs are tested annually depending upon their exposure level.
April is also a good month to get your dog rattlesnake vaccine boosters or get him or her started on the initial series of vaccine.
Puppies can be started on this vaccine as early as 16 weeks of age. The first year a booster is needed in 4 weeks. If your dog is under 25 pounds or over 100 pounds, a second booster will be needed 4 weeks from the first. Some pets will experience a small lump at the site of vaccination.
Lastly, don’t forget to protect your dogs and cats from fleas and ticks. These creepy little critters can carry diseases & annoy your pet.